Sunday, August 10, 2008

STORY TIME - Volume 1

I never did get around to sending this out for submission - so what else am I supposed to do with all my writing? Enjoy - and if you don't keep it to yourself! LOL!

Goodbye Frank Rogers
By Heather B. Thomas, © 2002

As she thought back to high school she remembered so much about Frank Rogers…odd since she hadn't seen him since he graduated and they had dated when she was a freshman (12 years ago). What's strange is that she had dated other men since him, and she could remember things about him after all these years that she couldn't remember about the others.

* * * * * * *

I remember the first day I finally noticed him my freshman year. It was late fall – heading into winter. I was waiting outside the room my Spanish class was held in, talking to my best friend Melinda, both of us yammering about our day. I was jumping from foot to foot anxiously waiting to get in and claim a seat. Then he walked out of the room. Dark curly hair and somber eyes decorated his slim features, yet he owned the most amazingly sweet smile I had ever seen. He was talking with another boy as he walked out of the room, sauntering down the stairs, wearing an old army jacket and carrying his books (not using a book bag – how totally cool). I stood there and poked Melinda in her side.

"Look," I whispered. "Who's that? He's so cute."

Then he turned, looked me straight in the eyes, and gave me a smile, a smile just for me. His eyes were darkly fringed, haunting and beautiful. Melinda witnessed this, and poked me back, and we both ended up in a fit of giggles, tittering the way young fourteen year old girls do.

* * * * * * *

In her mind's eye, she could see the look on his face as he walked out of the classroom and caught her eye, smiling his sweet smile at her as she shyly looked away, only to glance back and watch as he walked away. She could remember the feeling in her chest, the tightness of her lungs and the butterflies in her stomach. She could remember grabbing her best friend as he walked out class and whispered to her…

* * * * * * *

It wasn't long after that moment that the passing of notes began, the whispering to friends to pass their notes to each other during class, all without physically talking to each other. Melinda knew one of his best friends from another one of her classes, and his friend happened to be in my class now, so our whole network of communication began across our school – just to connect this boy with the sweetly sly smile to me.

Shortly after that was the first real contact, the first hand holding, the first hug behind the lockers and the first sweet tender kisses after school before we were picked up by our parents. Those tender moments tucked away by his locker, his hands holding me close, tenderly embracing, never letting go. These times seemed to last forever, never in my wildest dreams did I think they wouldn't be like this always.

Frank and I took long walks with his friends, these lunches usually ended up with us sitting on the bleachers by the baseball practice fields, talking and holding hands. His fingers were long and they would just wrap around mine in the most amazing way engulfing them completely. But then again, I was only fourteen. Other times we would leave campus, grab lunch at the deli across the street, and walk to his friend Tony's. There was a whole group of us that would go to lunch. As all Frank's friends were single, I was always the only girl, and every day we rushed back to campus so we wouldn't be late for class.

Our first real kiss happened next to those baseball practice fields on our way back to school after lunch in the spring. Frank's friends had all walked past us continuing on to the main campus, and he grabbed me by the hand pulling me over to the fence. He put his arms around me, held me tight, and planted a big kiss on my mouth. The feelings that flooded my body at that moment were too strong to put into words, but I knew I'd always feel a tingle in my gut as I thought back to that time, even when I'm old and gray.

That day was my first "French Kiss", his lips on mine, his tongue slowly entering my mouth, gentle and tasting like coffee, later in life to taste like cigarettes too. And then we parted, he looked me deeply in the eyes. I held him tight, pulled him closer and rested my head on his chest for a moment.

"We should probably head back to campus," I said. My heart pounding in my chest, my tongue still feeling the pressure of his. I thought he would be able to feel my heart pounding as we held each other. Licking my lips nervously, I pulled away, reached for his hand and held it in mine as we walked back to school.

A few weeks later we were standing at his locker (of course, because where else did we spend our time) and he placed his hands on my shoulders. His long, thin fingers began to trace the outline of my collar bones.

"It would be so easy to hook meat hooks through your collar bones," he whispered in a menacing voice, chills running down my spine, fright bumps raising on my arms.

Of course though, this was during his obsession with the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie, so I took it with a grain of salt, and knew deep down that he didn't mean any harm.

"Stop it," I said, slapping his hands away. "You're creeping me out. Ugh!"

Later that year we went out on our first "date", though technically it wasn't a "date" as I wasn't aloud to go on those until I was sixteen. But my parents had given it much thought and were willing to make an exception this one time.

Our "dates" were always with Barbara his mom and Jake her boyfriend. At first, I thought this an unfair rule, but we had a good time despite our chaperones (besides, how would we have even gotten to the restaurants if she hadn't driven as neither of us had our driver's license yet).

We went to a Chinese restaurant and ate everything family style. It was one of my first venues into Asian food and I was hooked. After dinner, Barbara and Jake left us on our own as they went to the Icehouse theatre to get ready for the play she was directing.

The night was cold, and time passed slowly until the play started and we could get into the warmth of the theatre, but I looked cute even though I was cold and there was a nip to the air. I had on my long black over coat with the blue plaid stripes, matching wool gloves and the pink scarf my girlfriend Linda had given me as a present the year before. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 8pm already and would normally have to be heading home soon, but smiled to myself because I had permission to be out past curfew. We walked around for a while, and then he pulled me aside.

"Here, I have something for you," he said, and pulled out a small box. "I got this at the antique show yesterday."

I took the box in my hands and opened it. Inside there was an enameled pin of a Geisha hiding behind her fan.

"I was looking for another salamander," he said. "To replace Sam."

Sam was my salamander pin that I had worn every day on my jacket, but who had had an accident when his clasp opened and he fell of my jacket a few weeks ago.

"I know it isn't another Sam, but I hope you like it," he continued in an embarrassed voice. "I saw some similar to him, but they were all sterling and a little out of my price range."

"No! I love it!" I exclaimed. "I'll always wear it. I'll keep this forever. Thank you."

I leaned towards him and gave him a kiss, "Will you put it on for me?"

Frank took my Geisha in his hands and opened the clasp. He placed it on the lapel of my overcoat, closed the clasp, and gave me a kiss. The evening was cold and I shivered, despite the warm feelings growing inside me. He placed his arm around me and we walked back to the theatre.

* * * * * * *

Those nights were amazing she thought. Remembering those times outside the Icehouse theatre, waiting to see his mother's plays. All those long cold nights, waiting in the dark. Her heart caught in her chest. She thinks nostalgia is a heady experience and one that shouldn't be followed to much in one's adult life. But those were amazing nights.

Unfortunately she also remembered the end of that first year of high school and the last week of school when they broke up. They hadn't been getting along that well. She never saw him, and he had stopped calling. All she wanted to do was to talk to him and see if they were all right. She just wanted to hear that he still had feelings for her, yet her thoughts were conflicted. Even if they didn't break up, would they really last over the summer? Would they be able to see each other? Would their parent's go crazy driving them around until he gets his driver's license at the end of July?

It was one of those sit-com moments where both people begin speaking at the same time, and unfortunately he told her to go first. So since they had been having problems she decided that the best thing was for the two of them to break up so she did. Had he gone first, he would have apologized and they would have made up. The worst thing about that situation was that she didn't find out until later, on the very last day of school when people had gathered at the city park to sign year books and after she had gone over to her friend Linda's to wait until her parent's picked her up that she saw it as she was reading what everyone had written to her.

Hidden in the back, tucked deep within that year's index of students, and next to a picture of him from the one act play competition she found it.

"Becky, you mean a lot to me, and I'll never forget you," love Frank.

She hadn't even known that he had signed her yearbook until that very moment. But then she didn't know what to do, or how to act. Her heart caught in her throat, she made a little sad sound. She wanted to call him desperately and tell him she was sorry, that she was wrong and that she should have never said what she said. But she didn't, her fear was too great.

* * * * * *

So ended my freshman year, and into the summer I went trying to forget that Frank was suffering and probably hating me strongly. And then began my sophomore year, and I developed a crush on one of his best friends Tyler (give me a break here, I want to a very small high school and cross dating was going to happen no matter how you looked at it). And Tyler and I started dating.

I remember the day when I was holding hands with Tyler and we were walking down the hall at the end of the school day and bumped into Frank and the rest of his friends. The look on Frank's face. He pretended to ignore me – but his shadowed eyes burned into my heart. I thought the Earth was going to open up and swallow me whole at that very moment.

I wished the earth had swallowed me up that very minute.

Tyler and I didn't last more than a month, but give me a break, I was only 15. As sophomore year continued, I broke more hearts, but I never loved any of them, my heart still belonged to Frank. They just helped me pass the time, and summer came and went and soon I was a junior.

* * * * * * *

So her junior year of high school began. There had been a new boy at school last year, a freshman named Jasin, that looked exactly like Frank, as if they were brothers. She and Jasin became friends, and what did she find but that Frank was back in the picture again…still…always. Because she had become friends with Jasin, even when she had sworn to herself that she wouldn't because he reminded her of Frank, and then she learned that Jasin was friends with Frank as well. So she and Frank started seeing each other again. Yet this time it was different, they were friends not lovers, and she missed the old Frank, the one that was sweet and caring, not cynical and hard hearted like he was now.

But still even as he told her he could never love her again, he took her for drives in the country, and taught her to drive a stick shift car. They would hike up into the hills after school. They would find a huge boulder and sit upon it using each other's backs as backrests. They would talk to for hours on end, about this and that, philosophy, life and love.

She desperately wanted him back, but he kept telling her that she had hurt him too deeply, that he wouldn't ever be able to forget or forgive what she had done. But even with those hardened words, he kept spending more and more time with her, until eventually everyone thought they had gotten back together again.

* * * * * *

I kept trying to tell him how I felt but he wouldn't listen. So finally in an act of desperation I wrote him a long and lengthy letter, spilling my guts – telling him everything – saying all those words on paper that I was too chicken to vocalize in person. Those three big words that I couldn't say to his face. I love you.

So I gave him the note and waited for a reply, and there was none. That night I went back to school to see the play, and got there early so we could talk.

"Don't you get it?" I asked. "I told it all to you in the note. It's all there, written for you only."

"But you wrote it, you didn't say it," he countered.

"So I'll say it now," stopping where we were walking and looking into his eyes that were gleaming in the glow of his cigarette. "I love you."

"How can I believe you? You probably said that to all the guys you dated last year," he told me. "You probably told that to everyone."

"No," I said. "Never. You're the only one. I love you."

"Can't you try not to?"

* * * * * * *

She remembered that one nigh when the two of them had gone out with a bunch of other couples, and it had been a real date where he had picked her up at her house and everything. His banana yellow station wagon drove up the driveway and they were off to met the others. They all ended up at the high school's theatre. A long time ago he had stolen his mother's keys and had made his own set, so he let everyone in, they closed the main curtains so no light would show from the building, and turned on the stage lights. They all played on the stage, up in the cat-walks and in the front of the house, Tyler and his new girlfriend Hillary, Linda and Jasin, Brendan and Sony, and the two of them. That night he drank a whole flask of Bourbon, all by himself, and ended up puking before the night was through.

That was the night, when after everyone left the theater, they all drove out to the country and made a bonfire on the riverbed. She sat by his side, as he lay in a passed out state in front of the roaring bonfire, running her fingers through his hair, wanting to comfort him any way she could, but unable to because she was only sixteen and he was just such a sad young man.

* * * * * * *

"Becky, don't go," he begged as I stood up to walk around.

He grabbed onto my hand, and begged me again not to go. Begged me to say by his side and to never leave him.

"Please don't ever leave me," he cried out. I'll remember that. I'll remember what he said, I told myself.

The next week when I asked him about it, all he could say was…

"I didn't say that, and even if I did it wasn't what you think. I just didn't want to be lying on the ground by myself. That's all – nothing more. Don't read so much into it."

But the romantic in me knew he meant more than that. The romantic in me believed that he was just as sorry about how things ended up two years ago. The romantic in me believed that he was meaning to say that he wanted to get back together officially. But the romantic in me was also a dreamer. One could have only hoped. I ended up being late – past my curfew. We had to split up the drivers because Frank couldn't drive himself home. We all snuck him into his house, so quiet we didn't wake up Barbara. I called my parents from his room, and said I'd be late and didn't bother explaining why. I couldn't. Brendan ended up driving me home, and I went straight to bed. I didn't explain to my family that night – I just went to sleep.

* * * * * * *

So they went back to school on Monday and things were event harder on the two of them.

Two weeks later I found myself at his house, being freaked out because he was showing me his bedroom for the first time ever and no one else was home. I had a feeling that he wanted to have sex with me today to convince himself that I really loved him, but I couldn't. I was too chicken. He was a senior, nearly eighteen, and I as only a junior, barely sixteen.

Oh how I wanted to, even though I was chicken. Even though I was way too young. I loved him dearly, and would have done anything for him. I wanted him to be my first. I didn't want anyone else, but I just couldn't, not yet. But he kissed me anyway, and I would always remember his kisses for that one. I would always remember his kisses and the taste of stale cigarettes and coffee.

Tyler and Hillary broke up and tension grew between Frank & Tyler, but why Becky didn't know. She & Hillary had gotten closer and were now fast friends, but unfortunately as their friendship grew so did the one between Hillary and Frank. Before she knew it, she and Frank were arguing and close to dissolving for the second time. So finally, she pulled him out of homeroom one day so they could talk.

"You have to make a choice," she said, glancing around the empty hall nervously.

"But I don't want to," he said.

"You can't have it both ways, you have to make a choice – either Hillary or me. You can't have both."

He stood there and looked at her unable to say anything.

"You've made your choice then," she said, thinking to herself that he must be having sex with Hillary. "Good-bye."

She turned finally and began to walk away. He called out her name once, but she kept on walking, all the way down the main hall. Tears were streaming down her face, and she could hardly see. But she refused to wipe them away on the chance that he was watching her go. She walked into the girl's room to wipe her face and get on with her day, when she bumped into Melinda.

"Never let him see you cry," Melinda told her, as she wiped her tear-streaked face.

* * * * * * *

So I was 30 and longing for some sense of familiarity as my and husband and I have been moving constantly since the day we got married, and we'd finally found a location that we really loved and could raise our future kids.

In my month or so of being jobless, I'd managed to track down quite a few people that were near and dear to my heart when I was younger, Frank being among them.

As my luck would have it, the day I got his number and decided to call Frank, he was in the middle of packing for a vacation to see his father. He now lived in the Pacific North West and rarely came down to see his family.

"Whoa!" I said on the phone. "Don't I have good timing?"

"How funny," he replied. "I was planning on sending you an email when I got to my dad's but I guess you beat me too it, and now I don't have to."

* * * * * * *

Two days later, she jumped into her car and drove two and a half hours east into the farming center of the state, to the quaint farming community (if one takes it in small doses it's quaint, but not if one has to live there) where they both grew up. The plan was for her to meet him at his father's and then they would go to lunch.

She had no idea what to expect. Part of her was wondering if she would still feel the same pang in her gut that plagued her those four years. The pang that built itself up into a frenzy anytime she was any where near him in school, and there was a part of her that was wondering if he would be appalled at the amount of weight she had put on since he last saw her a decade ago.

After all those years, she wondered if by feeling his touch if they shook hands, she would feel like a giddy school girl again. But she could remember exactly what his touch felt like, the feel of his hands in hers, the touch of his lips against her skin, the tenderness he always showed her when they were first dating. That was burned into her memory for the rest of her life. He was her first true love. The first man to ever touch her soul, and she would never forget him. She would always hold him dear to her heart, and have a special spot for him in her memories. She still had the geisha pin he had given her those many years ago as well as every other little trinket from him from all the years they dated.

She was quite sure that he would think her insane, or be afraid that she would turn into a stalker or something like that. One couldn't help but follow all those love stories gone bad that cover the daily news. But all she really wanted was to tell him that she was sorry. Those words were never able to cross her lips when they were dating or even when they were still in school together, and she desperately wanted to tell him now that she was sorry for how things ended her freshman year in high school.

But she met him at his father's house. They had lunch, did the nostalgic drive past all their old yet still familiar haunts, and she returned him to his father's house and said goodbye. All without saying those words that had been haunting her for years.

"Frank," she whispered to herself as she walked back to her car. "I'm Sorry."


© 2002, No part may be copied, printed or duplicated without express permission of the author.

STORY TIME - Volume 2

By Heather B. Thomas, © 2006

Part 1
There was this boy in high school that watched her during math class. He didn't speak much, but was always watching with open eyes. She didn't think much about it at the time, just laughed it off because they'd been in school together since the sixth grade.

His name was Matt, Matthew to his mother, and he was just a boy. Member of her father's boy scout troop, swimmer and water polo player extraordinaire – desired by the girls in high school, envied by the guys for his coolness. Little did they know it wasn't cool it was just clueless ness.

Her junior year he began to look at her as more than friends. She used to wear a white sleeveless shell, slightly sheer, and light enough to show through to the lace top bra she always wore with it. Tasteful yet seductive at the same time, she never gave much thought to what he might be thinking when he saw her wearing it.

That year he sat next to her in Trigonometry and he started to complain very loudly when she wore that shirt.

He'd say, "I can't believe your father let you out of the house like that – maybe I should give him a call."

"Be my guest," she replied. "He saw me at breakfast and didn't say a thing."

"I can see your bra!" he continued.

"If it bothers you – stop looking," she replied and went back to copying math problems off the board.

He'd then glare at her and turn away. It became a test every time she wore that shirt to see if he'd react.

Part 2
Hey babe, I was trying to go to bed three hours ago, but I got the idea to do some packing so I'm still not asleep.

I have no idea if I'll end up sending this to you not, I could just end up adding this to the pile of letters I've never mailed (just like you!).

I had a dream about you last night, but I'm not going to tell you what it was about. Let's just say that I miss you and was sad to wake up and find that you really aren't here.

So what do we think we're doing? Ignoring the situation at hand or just deliberately post poning the inevitable? Or I'm reading more into the situation than is really there? Well from my stand point I hope that the feelings I feel for you are the same you have for me. I just get such a crazy feeling anytime I think of that night I spent with you at the beach before Christmas, as if I'm looking into what the future could be. I'll admit, we do need to get to know each other again, after all we haven't really spent any real time with each other in the past five years.

But, I'll be the first to admit that I never got over you. You've always been in my mind, deep deep down and that feeling's been hidden inside my heart too. I'll admit it. It just seemed like a dream to year you say that you still cared for me after all these years and all the horrible and stupid things I've done.

The question I have to ask is why? Why do you still care? Because we grew up together? Because we've been friends for so many years or for some other reason? As always I pray and wish for the best and constantly, consistently, expect the worst. I feel uncertain and scared because I don't know. I'm waiting but I don't really know what for. I haven't dated anyone for months as I can't seem to get you out of my mind. But what am I waiting for? Do you want me to wait? I've already been and you haven't even said anything to me.

It's just hard for me to hear second hand comments from home that you keep talking about me, but not to me - as if something is all ready made up in your mind you've taken it for granted that I know what's going on. Well I don't.

Do we wait for fate to make its move? Do we need to talk? Christmas with you seemed too perfect, too good to be true, and made me wonder what I've ever done to deserve to feel so happy for the short time we were together. Let me know...I miss you, come home soon. Love and hugs.

Part 3
The snow was just beginning to fall as the sun set on this crisp March evening. The temperature was a crisp 27'F and she made herself some hot apple cider topping her drink off with a little Amaretto. She sighed as she looked out the kitchen window down the mountain and wondered just what she was doing living up here.

Just the other day part of her road had washed away because of excessive rain fall. The season had hit an all time record at 10" in a little over eight hours, almost an inch an hour. She looked around the kitchen at stacks of dirty dishes in the sink, left-overs still on the counter from last nights scouraging at midnight, knew what she needed to be doing at this moment but knew what she wanted to be doing instead and it was out of the question.

Besides, she knew he would be busy and it was an awfully long drive just find out he wasn't even home. She went back to her room and snuggled deep under the down comforter letting the effects of the warm drink and the alcohol relax her aching body. Her last thoughts were that she wished the pain would go away, that somehow she would wake in the morning and find out that it was all a lie...

There she was again, the little dream child with the strawberry curls and milky white skin. She was on the beach still, this time picking up sea glass in shades of topaz, amethyst and jade, placing each peace in her pocket as gently as if they were Robin's eggs.

Part 4
The truth of the matter is that there are those few who claim to be realists when in fact they themselves are those who run from reality, from the ever present fact that their life does go on though they choose to "live" alternatively.

The truth is, that those who truly are realists are the ones who will in the long run survive. They are the ones who will be made strong. The others claim to be knowledgeable but in fact, are hiding and not "finding themselves". By just going with the flow, are loosing something.

Each time I go out and make a choice with the reality of a situation, I am making myself better. Each time I say that I am making a decision because I know there is more out there I am making myself stronger. And likewise if I were to choose to do something because that's "just how life is" or because that's "the way things are" I weaken myself and as an end result, loose something of myself in the process.

I am better. I have won in this scenario because I knew what I wanted, did what it took, achieved my goal, and have progressed beyond that to the next scene while those about me are still trying to figure out what is going on.

Matty - you claim you have no idea what's going on, that I have no idea what's going on, and that your neighbor has no idea what's going on...wrong. I do. I knew what I wanted, fulfilled the need, and moved on.

Friendship, what an odd word coming from you, but that's the key word here. No more, no less. That's why I can move on. That's why I felt no embarrassment at the situation that happened out front. That's why I can go on and find pathetic, humorous irony in the situation.

I am not the one who asked for an explanation. I'm not the one that felt the inwardly driven desire to create an explanation to pacify one's own ethical judgments in the mind. I'm not the one who ran home and hid. I'm not the one who had to get stoned to get past the inward screaming of the mind.

Get a grip. I'm not the one who's out of control and maybe that's the problem, because I have found control and you have yet to do that. This is yours to think about, to mull over, interpret, absorb or toss out as you choose. I'm just the friend here, remember that.

Part 5
To think that all these years I've been feeling guilty for a slight carnal sin and you being the boy you are, let me. And there you sat once again, on Friday night, trying to get me to believe that you're not the bad guy, that you've done nothing wrong, that perhaps by chance I might believe this was all in my head and I was putting words in your mouth?

My parents in all their moral wisdom taught me to never write anything down unless I truly meant every word. To that I agree whole heartedly hell with you. You my "friend" have blown it. You are in the wrong my dear and don't try to switch the roles around again and attempt to be calm. I am calm and I am rational at the moment.

What a line you fed me. I ate it up, and you reeled me in. Friends, the two of us just friends. In who's lifetime I'd like to know, certainly not ours. What a laugh. Our relationship has not been platonic in years and you now it. Remember, I tried that two years ago and you had other ideas. It was carnal ideas going through my mind that made me lie to you at Thanksgiving. Good grief, who in their right mind has to work then? Get real. Yet I feel no remorse at all, not one bit as my self preservation is top on the list these days.

I sat there and poured out my heart and soul to you at Christmas. You forget? Here, let me refresh your memory. Do you know how it feels to be held powerless barely being able to move and certainly not being able to cry for help as you're raped by an of your best friends? Do you know how to cover up bruises and scrapes with make-up so the world wont see your shame, your pain? Do you know how it feels to have someone say they love you, would move the world for you, die before they let anyone harm you, and they themselves turn around and destroy your soul with mental jabs of inadequacy, inability, and shame? Do you know the euphoric feeling one gets as the body slowly disintegrates from starvation? Have you ever seen the hollow eyes, sickly yellow skin, and the bones, the crisp and pointy bones protruding where muscle and flesh used to be? Have you ever felt just how hard a lecture hall chair can be when you don't even have enough padding on your body to sleep through the night on a feather bed, let alone sit on a hard piece of wood?

If by any slim chance you feel that you know anything about these things, you have my blessings to say your heart is breaking. That I did that to you. But until then no. Go ahead, take your inconsequential "relationship" of a few months over a twelve year friendship which by the way, was more. Have another unaccountable tryst. And don't try and damn me for my words now. I may have done some things wrong, but no one deserves the pain that I have been handed these past few years.

So from now on you too will be added to my list, the one of pity. Pity for those who can't face reality and run from their words, denying what is out there. Don't expect me to understand some sorrowful excuse or change of tone, its too late. The friendship is gone. At this moment, I have more respect for the common thief than I do for you. At least he is honest.

In my mind you're no better. And so the list goes on: He the one who raped me, He the fiancée that abused me, Anorexia the disease that would have killed me, and should we label you?


Heather B. Thomas, © 2006 No part may be copied, printed or duplicated without express permission of the author.

STORY TIME - Volume 4

There came from within, within the deepest voids of her inner being a longing for the sobriety created by the longest day in the blackest night of the year. Where the heat is unbearable and the moment of lust just that, fleeting silently. Amidst the wandering spirit about us stood that face, the dreary droaning voice and unembelished eyes vanishing like a spirit into the twilight embers of the mind. (Written 6/26/93)


There we sat under the Boabab tree with the wind blowing gently. It didn't matter that we're different, for kindred spirits have no cages. In studying ourselves we've found a population overfloing in a non-stop dialogue of foreign yet familiar tongues. Rolling through time like a brand new reel of film we saw through our bond the grand inner strengths growing, magestically beautiful like a shooting star flying above the world. The gaping voids were filled in each passing moment, in the story of life, serenity encompssing the existance of our new forms, fresh and alert like a new born fawn. (Written 2/24/93)


And through the haze she saw, his face
the devil's eye, sucking her soul
her spirit melting away.

Mist is gentle in the darkness of his eyes,
he hides so much, and takes a lot...
won't let his guard down,
not even to her.

And while she vanished, into the light of morning
She can see him still... watching.
She knows his thoughts, she knows his wants.
Yet she cannot help him.
She must go.

The haze envelopes her, takes her away.
Away from him and their dreams.
He's the devil himself, and she loves him for it.
Their time is done, she knows.

The mist, a sign, they long for similarity
they can't have. He took, she gave.
Pain survives the love and
She has nothing left but to walk away.



She wanted to have his baby
She is stupid, they tell her.
Hospital white she sees, all around
She is not going to die,
they tell her.

Plates of food go untouched
calls go unanswered.
She must eat.
They tell her.

He came by
they wouldn't let him in.
He made her.

She is, an empty shell now.
She wanted, to keep loving him
he is bad, they tell her.

And still she goes hungry
She wanted, to have, perfection.

All she got was, you are going to die.
All she got was, white, white perfection,
but... she is not perfect,
they tell her.



You make her nervous standing so close. Please... don't. Don't touch her, remind her of past terrors. She stands in the dark shivering alone. Her mind pulsing pulling her spirit within, locked in a shell. She'll throw away the key.

She can feel the knot in her stomach growing tension easing its way, waves of fever breaking the shore. She is lost in a foreign country. Would you tell her as her heart is breaking, that her mind is melting quickly into the frozen sky?

Reality scares her the truth that, she can't, compare to the past. You can see, what they need to quench the fire, as the icy wind blows across the valley of their souls, ?bonded together by chance, and separated by the truth that it can't last.



Can you see me?
What I've become?
this form dismantling
withering away
drifting aimlessly.

Floating on pillows
I can hardly stand
must lean on Your arm, Your strength
I'm just so tired
I can hardly sleep.

And tears slowly fall
I have nothing more to give,
I want so desperately to do so.

Yet You, who has My strength,
want more, more than I have.
I'm wasting away.

I Will Not fall to your power
I'll do it alone
though gently I fade away
like a skeleton in the damp earth.

STORY TIME - Volume 5

By: Heather B. Thomas

Certain things are bound to break your heart – of this she is sure. The following is a prime example to that, but she takes solace that finally her life has turned around and is really, really good.

- - - - - - - - - -

On April 3, 1992 Hillary was invited to the Chi Sig pledge party, and still to this day – she has no idea who invited her. She walked over to frat row with her roommate Mina but Mina spent most of the time with her boyfriend at the Bird House.

She kept going back and forth between two houses – the Chi Sig house and the Gamma Nu house (she had been invited to that party too). Each time she was at the Chi Sig house, her ex-boyfriend Shorty kept flirting with her because his current girlfriend Chelle was not there.

Hil was extremely flattered by the attention he was giving her, because (at that moment) she felt she still cared deeply for him and felt at times as if she was even still in love with him. She realizes now that she was mistaken. Each time Shorty flirted with her Hil flirted back because she felt there was still a chance for them to get back together. Of course, only because he told her in January that he did not love Chelle.

So there she was, finishing up the night at the Chi Sig house – and Shorty said he was going home, back to his dorm that is, and he asked if she would walk him back. So she went, though she was totally planning on going back to the Gamma Nu house because she knew her friends would still be there.

He chose to go the long way back to campus, through the Centennial grove – and as they walked through the orange trees he held her hand and she didn't object even when he pulled her close for a kiss. In fact – she kissed him back. It felt so good.

When they finally broke apart and walked across the street to the dorms, he stopped at the back door of her dorm and asked if they could go up to her suite to talk. She said yes, because there was so much to talk about. They needed, most of all, to talk about his feelings for her vs. his feelings for Chelle and why he kept approaching her when he was still with Chelle. She was so confused.

When they ended up in her room they started talking. Then they started kissing. Both of them had been drinking and she felt her head spinning from the rush of feelings and the alcohol. And Hil's inhibitions went out the window. But when she realized he had taken off her clothing – she said no. She refused to have sex with him while he still had a girlfriend.

It was one thing to mess around and even to have sex when everyone was single – but it was a completely different thing to have sex when someone else was in a relationship. The funny thing was that she hadn't even been aware of him taking off her clothes, they were just gone. So she reached down to get her top and he wouldn't let her go. Hil said no again trying to remain firm. But he refused to listen. He wouldn't let her go, and his grip got stronger the more she tried to get away.

"Shorty," Hil said, "Let me go damn it."

"Oh come on, honey," he coaxed – pinning her arms down by her sides and biting her neck. "You know you want this as bad as I do."

"I said no," she repeated. But he was a dead weight and had her pinned to the bed. His legs were between hers and he had moved her arms up over hear head. He clamped them together with one hand, and moved the other between her legs.

"No," she cried out. "I said stop!" and tried to wiggle out from underneath him. She thought she had succeeded, finally scrambling off the bed and moving toward the other side of the room. But he grabbed her wrist – and wrenched her back to where he was on the bed.

"Damn it Chelle," he yelled. "Get back here."

"Shorty, I am not Chelle! I said NO."

But Hil's cries went unnoticed as he continued to paw at her naked body and entered her. Tears were streaming from her eyes, how could this be happening? The alcohol was still weighing her brain down, but she had one last blip of sanity and elbowed him in the neck while crawling off the bed for a third time.

Grabbing a blanket, she covered herself and cursed.

"What the fuck do you thing you're doing? You ASSHOLE!" she hollered, tears pouring down her face. "Get out – leave, don't touch me, and go." And she threw a pillow at him as hard as she could – it was the only thing near her, and she wished she had something harder to throw.

"Come on, I love you," he said.

"Shorty get out. I don't ever want to see you again."

So finally he pulled on his clothes and left. She sat there in tears, not sure what to do. She felt dirty – she physically hurt – she wanted to run, but where would she go? She looked at the clock – it was now around 2:30am in the real world no one would still be awake, but she knew someone would be at the Gamma Nu house, even at this late hour. So she threw on some clothes and bolted from her room. It was tainted now – it didn't feel safe anymore.

Across campus she walked, tears still wetting her face. And finally stumbled up the front steps of the house. Music was coming from the living room, and she was relieved to realize that yes, someone was always there. She entered the house and looked for Gi, but didn't see her or any of her other sisters there. As she gazed around the room her eyes fell on her friend Damon, and they welled up with a fresh batch of tears. Her hasty entrance to the house had caught his eye, and he saw she was both crying and shaking. He quickly crossed over to her and took her in his arms. She cried and cried – yet he kept holding her, and wouldn't let go. Finally the tears subsided for a moment and he pulled away from her to look at her face.

He was shocked by what he saw. Hil's hair was a mess, she had makeup running under her eyes, bruises on her neck, and a miss-matched outfit – so not right. He took her by the hand and lead her outside.

"What happened?" he asked gently. "You're not okay – talk to me."

She told him she had just been attacked by an ex (but wouldn't tell him which one).

"Was it Bert?" he asked with anger touching his voice, referring to her latest ex, and one of his brothers.

"No," she replied quickly. "Not him – never him. He would never do anything like this. It was someone else. I can't tell you who. Not now."

"Ok," he replied. "I have to ask you – were you sexually assaulted?"

She stood there, not sure what to say. She wanted to tell him yes – she wanted to tell him everything that had happened, but she couldn't. The words stuck in her throat, and couldn't come out. So she lied.

"No…" and didn't say another word.

He looked at her skeptically, knowing fully well that she was lying, but what could he do. So he took her back inside and sat her down by the fire.

"Sit here," he told her. "Don't move, I'll go get you a drink. You stay there." And he walked off.

She shook a cigarette from the pack, snapped her Zippo and inhaled deeply. That felt so good. Damon returned with a drink for her just as her buddy BJ entered the house. When he saw her sitting by the fire he walked over and bummed a smoke. He saw she was upset and tried everything he could think of to get her to crack a smile but nothing worked. He even had the pledges dance a gig just for her amusement – but still she didn't smile.

And then Bert walked up, and started to lecture BJ on the evils of smoking (as spoken by an ex-smoker non-the-less). Yet he knew better than to say anything to her. She just glared at him. If he hadn't dumped her she wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. She needed someone to blame, and he was handy.

"Bert, go away," she sighed and scowled. "We don't need your lectures old man. We don't need you. Just leave me alone."

He looked at her in shock, and then grabbed BJ's smoke and threw it in the fire with a "You don't need this."

So she shook another one from the pack, lit it and handed it to BJ – all the while glaring at Bert. That shut him up about the smoking – but then he stared in on what her problem was.

He had some nerve, trying to seem concerned. Where was he earlier? Why wasn't he taking care of her like he was supposed to?
"Bert," she said, "Just go away. I don't wan to talk to you." And finally he stomped off. BJ asked if she wanted to leave, and offered to walk her home. When they got to her dorm, she asked him to come up with her. She couldn't be alone – but she couldn't tell him what had happened. He spent the night, held her all night long, even though she couldn't sleep.

Mina had spent the night at her boyfriends, and she believed her other suitemate Z was at her boyfriends as well. She spent what was left of the night listening to BJ breath in and out.

The next morning, after BJ had left – she wandered into the bathroom and saw Z was home. "Z," she asked, "what is considered sexual assault?"

"Anytime someone touches you sexually and you are not willing," replied Z, and looked her in the face – slowly moving her eyes down and seeing the wave of bruises on neck, arms and chest. "What happened to you?" she asked with genuine concern.

Hil told her everything, this time telling the entire story – not leaving out a thing. She told Z every gory detail, every touch, every tear, everything. Z was rightfully appalled, and after asking if she was okay told her "You weren't assaulted honey," she then continued on very gently, "You were raped."

And with that Hil crumbled up in a heap on the floor, dissolved into tears. And at that moment Mina walked in and the whole story had to be told again. The two of them stayed with her all day. They didn't let her out of their sight for one minute. They got her to shower and dress, and finally got her to go out and get something to eat with them. All the while telling her she was not to blame.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Two years later she found something from that night in a pile of papers in her desk –

"Last night was an incredibly painful evening, not only emotionally, but physically as well. Last night I was raped by Shorty. Never in my life did I even think something as horrible could happen to me. This is the type of thing you read about in the paper, you see it on TV, they make movies out of it – but it doesn't happen to real people like me. I feel dirty. I feel bad – my body hurts. I am covered in bruises.

I know they'll go away, but I feel so bad. The sisters tell me it wasn't my fault. I did nothing wrong. Shorty is to blame, but I still feel it is my fault. If only I hadn't said yes to talking him home. If only I hadn't been drinking. If only he'd have left me alone after Bert and I broke up. If only Bert hadn't broken up with me. If only… if only, all these if onlies. I cried all night. I couldn't sleep. I had BJ come stay with me because I was afraid Shorty was going to come back.

Last night made me feel so powerless. I don't ever want to feel this way again. I'm so mad that he made me feel this way. I'm mad I wasn't my usual "in control" self. What was I thinking? I'm mad that he stole this control from me. I don't think I'll ever feel the same. Will I ever be able to get past this?

I'm so confused. How could Shorty do this to me? He told me he loved me… he said he wanted me not Chelle. He said he wanted to see me again, that he was going to leave her. He said he had missed me and that he was so hurt when I was dating Bert. He said he hated seeing us together, and it tore him up inside wanting me so bad. So if that's how he really felt how could he do this to me? I don't get it. Can someone please explain it to me? How do things like this happen?

- - - - - - - - - - -

It is now the fall of 1993 – and she can still remember the terror, the fear that engulfed her in realizing she was powerless to stop the pain and anguish. Hil can still feel those hands upon her, hurting, biting, hatefully repressing her freedom. The hands which, at one time, had been so gentle and kind, but now were tools of destruction. The pain which was worse than any physical torture though was the knowledge that she had been rendered speechless.

The screams and cries died in her throat as the tears streamed down her face, drowning out her pleas and despair. She beat herself up remembering that there were people just one door away, who would have come to her rescue if she had just called out. If she had just fought a little harder. If only…

If only she had just done something, but she was powerless, there was nothing she could do. Those hurting hands and that voice echoing forever in her mind, make her feel like she's loosing her sanity, and every time when she's least expecting it, there he is grinning. She still feels the pain like a dull gnawing in her gut, daily decreasing, but always there, forever present like a fading scar. A part of her died that night and she longs for its salvation though she knows there is nothing she can do to renew what has decayed within her, it is gone forever.

- - - - - - - - - - -

And so the school year ended. She found out as she was packing up to head home for the summer that the Gamma Nu brothers had been trying since April to find out who had hurt her. They'd been asking her sisters, but hadn't been able to find out anything. Which is exactly what she wanted.

She didn't want them to know the truth, she was humiliated. And she would feel responsible if any of them got arrested for pounding on Shorty the way she knew they wanted to. She also found out that they had sworn after seeing how beat up she was after that night, to keep an eye on her from there on out. They stuck by her, shadowing her every move when she went out at night. She had had a feeling that's what they were doing – but she never asked, never questioned.

- - - - - - - - - - -

So time has passed, she's grown up and learned to live with the hurt. And eventually it even seemed to fade. Hil met a man, a real man – someone to lean on and trust. Someone that would be there for her no matter what. Someone to love, and slowly her broken heart began to mend.

It's been fifteen years since she was raped. She learned that life does go on. She can be whole again. She is married and has a child. She has a wonderful life and great friends. She knows it is hokey – but time does heal all wounds.


© 2007. No part may be copied, printed or duplicated without express permission of the author.

Story Time - Volume 9


sometimes there's an ache
from somewhere deep within
a yearning to be more
than what we currently are

a wanting for something
to break the bonds we've
grown accustom to
in the lives we've made for ourselves

where did it go? - the youth we
should have cherished -
full of bad choices and long lost friends

and as adults, do we all stumble?
falter from perfect lives
ones we carved into this world
in the false search for more
than we have become?

HBT 4/15/08

STORY TIME - Volume 8


Adult friendships
one word

No way to recapture
the youthful

My smiles fade
our friendships

And time continues
to pass along

The song on the jukebox
went away.


STORY TIME - Volume 7.3

wall rumbles
is it thunder
or waves crashing on shore?
baby sleeps cuddly, soft
boxes surround,
an overflowing life
We have too much crap
move impending – life is shifting
tomorrow looms up bright and cheery
unwrap the new day
there's a surprise inside.

4/22/07 – HBT

STORY TIME - Volume 7.2

Joyously embracing the numbness that consumes
A fuzzy warm comfort and golden glow
The simple truth melting into life's complex pool of reality
Like waves on the near by shore
Crashing into the sand
It drifts away and goes to sea
In floods of remorse and regret.
- 11/23/95

STORY TIME - Volume 7.1

You said I never loved you
Yet I was killing myself for you
To give to you the one thing that you couldn't
wouldn't ever have
You said you couldn't trust me
But had I ever done anything
To make you think that
In all honesty, deep inside?
No. I never did.
And that was the point wasn't it.
I never, but you did.
You took and I let you.
For I wanted your love
Was so starved for it
Needed your strength
And in return for my sweat & tears
I faded away.
Slowly burned out.
Ceased to be, yet was what you made me.
An empty shell waiting to be
Filled, though already full of longing.
- 6/7/94

STORY TIME - Volume 6.6

I look down hands on the keyboard
flitting – flying – floating over the keys, age - where did this come from?
these are my hands? they were young
now married diamonds winking
little hands holding, gently lovely
I see spilling milk, sippy tumbling
I am mother, I am wife
I am me.

- 4/20/07

STORY TIME - Volume 6.5

Blinded by your smile, but only lasting for a while
Those intoxicating kisses their tender touch never misses
Drowning oh so bitter sweet
Killing me softly, but what an end I'll meet

Your smell it surrounds me, that sweet smell just drowns me
Our tenderly embracing, never a false facing
The forbidden truth we don't need any proof

Touch me, baby touch me please
To feel those arms surrounding me
What I wouldn't do, what I couldn't prove
For one last tender kiss to pass across my starving lips
- 2/21/94


Your gentle lips and eyes conceal
The bleeding heart and mind of steel
Only the children and I knew
In your kiss and in your touch,
Oh those lips, the told so much.

Now the storm long has ended,
The rain was gone and spirits mended,
Love's not long away from you,
In my mind you're long past due.

Time has come to shed your skin
And throw away all past sin
In the passing of slow time
I set out to make you mine.
Fought the fear and fought the pain
I no longer see the rain.
For the sun wont hide from view
In a world that's so brand new.


In the outfield I hear your calling from the distance spirits falling. No more instant satisfaction for there's no more girl reaction. Never come to you again, cause you were never just a friend. You're now a player as you know. So baby, please, just take it slow.
- 1/22/94

STORY TIME - Volume 6.4

If I am lucky, I'll never hurt again
the way I had
but there's no way
I can tell, oh right
what knowledge I've acquired,
because of you.

What a word... you. Tell all encompasing three large letters.
Yet I knew the risk
I loved fire and I got burned.

But through the tears & pain I still loved you.
Three letters again.

It was always that way. You, you, you.
And I faded
like an old pair of 501 button flies.
- 4/96

I'm violently happy
in the thought that it will
be over soon.
The cool hands around my throat
my decision, my choice
all it takes is one quick swallow.
I can see the liquid bubbling
like the visions of my life in my mind,
attempting to expand but never achieving
my goal til now. All it takes is one quick swallow.
- 4/20/94

You looked at me and began to fade
Like a flower in the desert shade.

Ill at ease you think I cannot please
Wait and see, don't you forsake me

You turned from me and you walked away
For sun has marked the end of day

Look into my eyes, look right at me
I'll show you how good our love'd be

Don't you go, let me be heard
My actions speak better than my words.

crimson & creeping
blold thirsty but BOLD
they walk through the water
their stories unfold

rock of ages
waves of time
whatever the fact
the world's not sublime

it aches with pain, cries out with desire
the people all wander
through the world filled with fire.
- 5/19/93

Have you ever wondered
about those days
when the world seems too bright to be true?

Have you felt the nights
I spent alone - with you in my mind?

You're the voice that calls across the sea
to the depths of my mind
you're a part of me. A part of my spirit,
a part of my soul but you are free.

Have you ever wondered
how we get to be this way?
- 7/27/93